SARNIA – She was a little girl in a small Ontario city with a big Olympic dream.
And she was good, competing both provincially and nationally, training 25 hours a week from the time she was seven.
The man who was going to get her there, she believed, was David Brubaker, the director of her hometown gym, Bluewater Gymnastics, and a national team coach.
That dream began more than two decades ago and she never saw it happen. Instead, the 31-year-old woman was in the witness box, recalling what she said was inappropriate touching and sexual assault through her years of tutelage and tough training when she was a pre-teen and a teenager.
“At that time, Dave had full control over everything: what time I went to bed, what I ate, how I did my hair. … Whatever he said, went. I had full trust in him,” she said.
But when you’re from a place where everyone knows everyone else, there can be complications and there is one at the trial of Brubaker, 55. One of her relationships turned out to be a bombshell.

David Brubaker (JANE SIMS, The London Free Press)
Brubaker has pleaded not guilty to two charges: sexual assault between Jan. 1, 2000 and Dec. 31, 2007 and sexual touching between Sept.7, 2001 and Sept. 7, 2005. He originally was facing 10 counts.
The 31-year old woman’s testimony, given in straight-forward manner with little hesitation, became secondary when it was revealed the investigating officer from the local police department is her cousin. He was the best man at her wedding and his wife was the matron of honour. She is godmother to their child.
That explained the adjournment Monday when Ontario Court Justice Deborah Austin was told there was new information given to the Crown last Friday afternoon and relayed to defence lawyer Patrick Ducharme.
Ducharme had told the judge the information affected every aspect of the case. As Tuesday’s evidence continued, it was clear the defence will be exploring any bias, urging or leading that may have gone on during the investigation.
The woman’s testimony, through questions from Lambton County Crown attorney David Rows, focused on the close and complicated relationship she had with Brubaker. Her identity and anything that could identify her, including the name of the police officer, is protected by court order.
The woman said she began gymnastics when she was four. By age seven, she was training 25 hours a week, both before and after school. By age 10, she was competing nationally. And at age 12, she and her family made the decision she would move to Burlington with Brubaker, his wife Liz and their two boys, plus three other gymnasts, to continue to follow her dream. They became like second parents.
The gymnasts were told by Brubaker they were expected to kiss the coaches at the gym. Other girls kissed Brubaker on the cheek, but she said she kissed Brubaker on the lips, after he asked why she kissed her dad that way.
“I remember being hungry a lot and near the end I was pretty homesick,” she said of her time in Burlington.
At age 14, she moved back to Sarnia, as did the Brubakers. She continued training starting at 7 a.m to 9 a.m. Brubaker would drive her to school and pick her up after for another session from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. She would kiss him good bye when he dropped her off at school, she said, and on occasion, his hands would move down her back to her buttocks.
At the gym, “we would hug every time we said hello and every time we said good bye.”
In the half-hour or so before afternoon practice after school, she would go to his house. Sometimes, she said, Brubaker would take a nap and “sometimes he would ask me to come nap with him.”
“I knew I would be ignored at the gym if I did not comply, so I did,” she said.
During naps in his bed, she would spoon with him. She said his hand would wander under her school clothes and tickle her belly.
“I remember feeling like bugs were crawling under my skin, very uncomfortable and sick to my stomach,” she said.
She feared if she didn’t do as she was asked she would be punished by being ignored at the gym, or humiliated if she didn’t do a routine properly.
She had a lot of injuries and pain. Brubaker, she said, was her primary massage therapist, even when there were professionals around. Those massages were done both at the gym and Brubaker’s home when she would be wearing a gymnast’s suit or just undergarments. She testified to Rows that Brubaker touched her pubic hair and came close to touching her nipple.
She stopped gymnastics at 19.
“I really couldn’t handle what was happening any longer,” she said.
But there was more to it, as Ducharme explored in his cross-examination. The woman’s decision coincided with Brubaker and his wife’s selection to coach the 2006 Olympic team. Ducharme suggested she must have been “horribly disappointed” not to go. She agreed.
“That’s fair,” she said. “(But) I couldn’t deal with what was happening behind the scenes that no one was talking about, what we’re talking about today.”
The woman said the investigating officer didn’t know anything about her relationship with Brubaker. Someone else had called the police about the allegations.
“He knew inappropriate things have happened in my past, but no other details,” she said.
Ducharme pointed out that during the interview she had with the officer, he said. “I want to hear this as if I am hearing this for the first time,” suggesting he already knew her story. She said that wasn’t true.
Ducharme pointed to leading questions and possible suggestions about what happened when her memory was foggy about the massages and naps. She told the officer she “imagined” his body up against her. At one point, she told the police officer that during the massages, when Brubaker’s thumb went under any clothing, she didn’t think it was intentional.
“(The officer) made me feel comfortable about coming forward with something I never told anyone before,” she said.
Ducharme suggested she was “a little self-centred” to believe Brubaker ignored her as punishment, pointing out his many responsibilities.
The woman said the Brubakers designed her training and “if I’m not being told anything at all, I might as well sit in a corner and do nothing.”
Austin also heard from another gymnast who lived with the woman and the Brubakers. She testified she saw the woman kiss Brubaker on the lips and Brubaker massage the complainant at home when she was only wearing underwear and a t-shirt. It made her uncomfortable.
The officer started his testimony. A video of Brubaker’s police interview, still to be determined if it will be evidence in the trial, is being shown to the court.
“I understand I will never coach again and be with children and my career is over,” Brubaker said to the officer. “I knew that when I was stopped in my car.”
Brubaker referenced the #MeToo movement, but said he never intended to make the girls feel uncomfortable.
“We did everything to help try to help the girls,” he said in the interview.
“I admit I really liked the girls at that moment. It was never in a sexual way.”
The trial continues on Wednesday.
from Chatham Daily News
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