Captain charged with negligence after duck boat deaths

Seventeen people, including a one-year-old baby, died when the boat capsized in July

THE CAPTAIN of a duck boat that sank resulting in the deaths of 17 of the vessels passengers has been charged with neglect.

Kenneth Scott McKee, who piloted the vessel during a thunderstorm in July, was charged with misconduct and negligence on Thursday.

A total of 17 people aged between 1 and 76 years old perished when the boat sank in southwest Missouri on July 19.

The boat, which can travel on land and water, was carrying 31 passengers when the incident took place.

McKee survived but the boat’s driver did not. He faces up to 10 years in jail for each charge.

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Captain charged with negligence after duck boat deaths Captain charged with negligence after duck boat deaths Reviewed by Unknown on November 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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