Inside London's 'mini-miracle' organ transplant system

From coolers and prop planes, to Canadian and world firsts in organ transplantation.

London looms large as an organ donation and transplant powerhouse, punching above its weight in a pioneering program started decades ago by some of the greatest minds in Canadian transplant history.

London Health Sciences Centre’s (LHSC) multi-organ transplant program is not the oldest or largest program in Canada, but it’s a trailblazer other centres continue to learn from, observers say.

The city’s program was built through decades of research, surgical innovation and clinical trials – but some of the most important players along the way weren’t in lab coats, said Dr. Anthony Jevnikar, co-chair of LHSC’s transplant program.

“This community has always bought into the idea of transplantation,” he said. “Many people have grown up with transplantation in their backyard. . . . This is beyond this place (the hospital). It is our entire community and everybody is on board.”

Southwestern Ontario is second to only Northern Ontario when it comes to the rate of people who have signed up to be organ donors after they die.

With 56 per cent of eligible adults signed up to be donors, Kincardine boasts the second-highest rate among communities in Ontario. Ingersoll ranks eighth at 54 per cent, and Lambton County and St. Marys, hovering near 53 per cent, also are in the top 20.

In London, the rate is 43 per cent, 10 percentage points higher than the provincial average. St. Thomas’s rate is 44 per cent.

The rates are a testament to the transplant team’s critical awareness work outside the operating room, said Ronnie Gavsie, president and chief executive of Trillium Gift of Life, the provincial agency that oversees organ donation and registration in Ontario.

The hospital got involved in high school outreach, a program of raising organ donor awareness among students that’s been adopted by other communities across the province. It also started giving out medals to families of deceased organ donors, a concept Trillium Gift of Life ran with.

“It’s an idea that came from London Health Sciences Centre and is now used throughout the province,” she said. “It’s a long-standing, well-known centre for donation and for transplant and I think this commitment extends beyond the hospital into the community.”

The trend-setting program was started by a small team of key people, including Order of Canada officer and Canadian Medical Hall of Fame laureate Dr. Cal Stiller, who saw transplantation as an opportunity at a time when it was risky and poorly understood.

Jevnikar was an immunology graduate student studying donor organ rejection at Western University when University Hospital began performing transplants in the 1970s. The hospital was responsible for procuring its own donor organs, sourcing and transporting them from other centres, sometimes by plane and using coolers to transport organs.

From the start, the program was ambitious, striving to complete transplants on several different organs instead of just specializing in one – almost unheard of at the time.

“A few centres were doing transplants,” Jevnikar said. “But the idea of having transplantation for kidneys and livers and hearts in one place was like, ‘Whoa, too many things.’”

LHSC now performs about 200 kidney, liver, heart and pancreas transplant surgeries each year at University Hospital. It’s completed more heart transplants than anywhere else in Canada and has operated on 6,000 transplant patients. In 2018, LHSC recovered 83 organs from 33 deceased donors.

The London hospital is one of eight transplant centres in Ontario and one of only two that transplant multiple organs in adults. The other is Toronto’s University Health Network (UHN) that performs nearly 640 organ transplant surgeries each year – the most of any centre in North America.

But even a program with such a prestigious distinction can learn something from London, said Dr. Atul Humar, medical director of UHN’s multi-organ transplant program.

“One of the big strengths of London is that it has a lot of really talented people who are very knowledgeable in a number of areas related to transplant immunology and anti-rejection,” he said.

“I think for us, there’s actually a lot of opportunity to learn from some of the really smart people in London.”

The two centres regularly co-ordinate on research and clinical practices, Humar said, and both are pilot centres testing where there’s evidence to support changing provincial liver transplant wait list criteria for patients with alcoholic liver disease.

More recently, London’s reputation as an organ-transplant hub got an unexpected boost when David Foster – a music legend who’s dedicated years of work to promote organ donation – was honoured for those efforts during the Junos celebrations here last week.

Across Canada, about 260 people die on the transplant wait list each year, about one every 30 hours. In Ontario, there’s about 1,650 people on the wait list for organ transplants. Twenty-five of them live in London.

With the nationwide organ donation and transplantation awareness month around the corner – and the public push to get people to register as donors – Jevnikar says it’s important people don’t lose sight of how the surgeries change lives.

“I think sometimes people take it for granted,” he said. “These are like mini-miracles. You basically rehabilitate people that were going to die and now they’re cured.”


Doug Ferguson

A lawyer and former president of the federal Liberal party, was diagnosed in January 2014 with a liver tumour that was seven centimetres in diameter and nearly doubled in size in two months. Targeted chemotherapy shrunk the mass enough for liver transplant surgery. He was put on a wait list in September 2014 and got the call 2 1/2 months later.

But the elation of finding a match was fleeting. Once Ferguson was on the operating table, blood clots formed in his new liver. What was supposed to be a life-saving surgery ended up a catastrophic failure.

“They took it out twice, put it back in and it just would not work,” Ferguson said. “My family was told I had 24 hours to get a second liver.”

Twenty-four hours passed, then 48, then 72. Ferguson, who was placed in a coma after the surgery, held on with his family by his bedside.

Doug Ferguson

“On the fourth day, my daughter woke up and said ‘Today’s going to be a miracle day.’ And it was. They found a liver later that day and they transplanted it on the fifth day,” Ferguson said.

Ferguson, weak from two surgeries, made a full recovery and decided to tell his story. He served on the board of Trillium Gift of Life Foundation and has made organ donor awareness his cause.

“I felt I’ve got to pay this back somehow. I never understood how strong an emotion gratitude is. Somebody gave their loved one’s organs to you so you could survive,” he said.

Jane Tucker

Twenty-five years ago when she was just 36 and otherwise healthy, the mother of two from Niagara Falls was airlifted to London, her heart functioning at only seven per cent.

“They thought I would need a heart transplant then,” she said. “Nobody expected that I possibly might even be here today.”

LHSC’s transplant team worked quickly to assess and stabilize Tucker. She permanently relocated to London with her family so she could be closer to the doctors who could save her life. After 18 months in and out of intensive care, her condition gradually improved enough to keep her off the heart transplant wait list.

Now she’s made it her goal to get others the transplants she was lucky enough not to need herself.

“I learned the importance of organ and tissue donation and saving lives. It’s become a very important mission for me,” she said. “Register, tell your loved ones. We all don’t think it’s going to happen to us.”

Jane Tucker, president of London Transplant Gift of Life Association. Photograph taken on Wednesday March 13, 2019. Mike Hensen/The London Free Press

Tucker is the president and founder of the London Transplant Gift of Life Association. She’s the woman behind two quilts that grace the corridors of LHSC, one with patches made by the families of organ donors and one celebrating transplant recipients.

“I have been honoured to be part of the transplant family,” she said. “London has a program we should be very proud of and we should not take that for granted.”


  • In Ontario about 1,650 people are on organ transplant wait lists. Twenty-five of them live in London.
  • One in three eligible people in Ontario — 4.2 million of 12.5 million — have registered to be organ and tissue donors.
  • Southwestern Ontario is second only to Northern Ontario in the rate of registered organ donors.
  • London’s organ donor registration rate is 43 per cent. St. Thomas’ is 44 per cent. The provincial average is 33 per cent.
  • An organ donor can save up to eight lives. Tissue donors can enhance up to 75 lives.
  • Ontarians can register to be organ donors online at


  • 1972 – University Hospital performs its first kidney transplant
  • 1979 – Drug company that discovered now widely used anti-rejection medication cyclosporine taps University Hospital as one of its select few clinical study sites
  • 1981 – One-year patient survival rate for kidney transplant patients jumps to 80 per cent from 50 during cyclosporine trials. University Hospital also begins offering heart transplants
  • 1983 – University Hospital performs Canada’s first heart-lung transplant
  • 1988 – London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) surgeons perform world’s first liver-bowel transplant
  • 1993 – LHSC’s transplant team performs Canada’s first parent-to-child living donor liver transplant
  • 1997 – World’s youngest multi-organ recipient receives new liver, bowel, stomach and pancreas at Children’s Hospital
  • 2012 – LHSC performs its 600th heart transplant
  • 2019 – LHSC performs its 3,000th kidney transplant


  • 6,000+ – Transplant patients through the program’s history
  • 211 – Organ transplant surgeries at LHSC in 2018
  • 126 – Kidney transplants
  • 55 –  Liver transplants
  • 15 – Heart transplants
  • 9 – Kidney-pancreas transplants
  • 6 – Liver-kidney transplants
  • 33 – Number of deceased organ donors at LHSC in 2018
  • 83 – Organs recovered by LHSC surgeons and transplanted in 2018
  • 46 – Kidneys recovered
  • 14 – Livers recovered
  • 12 – Lungs recovered
  • 7 – Pancreas recovered
  • 4 – Hearts recovered


Transplant research is all scientists and doctors at LHSC’s Matthew Mailing Centre for Translational Transplant Studies do. They’re looking at ways to limit inevitable damage to organs when the blood supply is cut and they’re recovered from donors, testing processes that include using liquid carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide, a gas known for its rotten egg smell, to temporarily halt or slow organ degradation.

Gary and Carol Mailing with son Paul on Nov. 3, 2005 after the announcement of the family’s gift of $500,000 to the London Health Sciences Foundation in memory of their son Matthew to form the Matthew Mailing Centre for Translational Transplant Studies. (Free Press file photo)

Researchers are also looking at ways to refurbish recovered organs so they’re in near-perfect condition when they’re transplanted, reducing the risk of the recipient needing another transplant later on.

But London researchers have their eyes on a more long-term goal, too.

“At some point in the future, we will not be taking organs from deceased people or from living people, we’ll be creating them,” Jevnikar said. “Whatever understanding we have about creating organs will probably translate to some ability to prevent the damage in the organ in the first place. I think that’s where we’re going to head.”

from Chatham Daily News
Inside London's 'mini-miracle' organ transplant system Inside London's 'mini-miracle' organ transplant system Reviewed by Unknown on March 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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