NZ begins first round of weapon buybacks

Wellington, July 13  

Dozens of Christchurch gun owners on Saturday handed over their weapons in exchange for money, in the first of more than 250 planned buyback events around New Zealand after the government outlawed many types of semi-automatics. 

The police said they paid more than 430,000 New Zealand $ to 169 gun owners during the event. The money was paid directly into the bank accounts of gun owners.

New Zealand lawmakers in April rushed through new legislation to ban so-called military-style weapons after a lone gunman killed 51 persons at two Christchurch mosques in March.

The government has set aside more than New Zealand $ 200 million to buy back weapons such as AR-15 style rifles, although many gun owners remain unhappy with the compensation on offer. Under an amnesty, gun owners have until December to turn over their now-banned weapons.

The police said at least 14,000 guns around the country are banned under the new legislation. There are an estimated 1 million to 1.5 million guns in New Zealand and 250,000 licensed gun owners. — AP


  • Under the buyback plan, gun owners are compensated between 25 per cent and 95 per cent of the pre-tax price of a new gun, depending on the condition of their weapon
  • People who own guns that are not banned under the new laws can also turn over their weapons during the amnesty, although they won't get any compensation. Police said a half-dozen such weapons were turned in during the Christchurch event 

from The Tribune
NZ begins first round of weapon buybacks NZ begins first round of weapon buybacks Reviewed by Unknown on July 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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