Products of the black condition

We are insecure about our abilities and our place in society, writes Dotun Adebayo

IT’S TAKEN a while but, finally, the founders of Carnival are to be immortalised this week at a blue plaque ceremony at Portobello Green, in west London, which lies at the heart of the Notting Hill Carnival area.

At the same time, the film of the first book I published, Yardie, gets its cinema release in the UK with all the pomp and ceremony that you would expect from a movie that marks Idris Elba’s directorial debut.

So how are the two things linked, I hear you ask? Well, it’s that old thing called the black condition which has brought about both by way of adversity.

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from The Voice Online
Products of the black condition Products of the black condition Reviewed by Unknown on August 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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