Lillian Verrall was making the most out of a new health clinic led by paramedics at her building on Wednesday.
The 85-year-old resident of McNaughton Manor, located at 99 McNaughton Ave. W. in Chatham, had a chance to chat about health care with program facilitators at the public housing project.
“I go to everything that has to do with health care because we learn a lot,” Verrall said. “I’m sure it’s going to help a lot of people.”
The municipality is partnering with Medavie on the pilot initiative at the building to provide the clinics in order to improve the health of residents.
Council received a report earlier this month on the project, which also involves researchers from McMaster University’s department of family medicine.
Residents are invited to attend the free weekly clinic session within the building, where paramedics conduct blood-pressure tests, diabetes tests and falls-risk assessments, among other services.
Facilitators also provide health education, community programs and resources to participants, as well as referrals of participants’ health information to a local community paramedic, community health services, or their regular primary care practitioner.
Verrall, who has been living at McNaughton Manor for eight years, said the paramedics are “inquisitive and ask lots of questions.”
Candice Love, a Medavie community paramedic, said 15 residents came out to Wednesday’s clinic, which she added went well.
“I think a lot people just find relief in talking to somebody,” she said. “Having a general once-over. It’s sort of a meet-and-greet and a social event. … I think it’s good for their mind, body and soul.”
The majority of residents taking part were between the ages of 45 and 90. Love said a concern that many have is the lack of a family doctor.
She said the clinics could help people become more mindful and proactive with their health, with referrals made to outside agencies as needed.
“We’re here to help everybody for their individual needs,” she said.
There will be a future report to council on the one-year pilot, which is fully funded by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative.
Love said there will be also be educational sessions on a number of topics in the coming months.
“We’re hoping to bring in some guest speakers weekly,” she said, “to touch on nutrition, respiratory therapy (and) diabetic education.”
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