Bail decision expected for man charged with attempted murder

If Michael Authier is released on bail, his parents will be taking on a large responsibility to ensure he abides by whatever conditions are imposed by the court.

And the Wallaceburg couple could face serious financial consequences if he doesn’t.

Richard and Roberta Authier have promised to provide round-the-clock supervision of their 33-year-old son, who is facing an attempted murder charge in connection to an 18-year-old woman being shot in the early morning of Feb. 26 in the area of King and Albert streets in Wallaceburg.

They have each pledged $25,000 to act as sureties for the Wallaceburg man.

Justice of the peace Calvin Hurst said he plans to deliver his decision Thursday morning on whether or not Authier will be released on bail after the defence and Crown delivered closing arguments during a bail hearing Wednesday in a Chatham court.

There is a publication ban on reporting any evidence heard about the case during the bail hearing.

Lawyer Frank Retar laid out a bail plan to the court that would see Authier’s parents move into his house, which the couple said has already happened, so they can be with him 24 hours a day.

During two days of testimony, both parents told the court they are willing to abide by conditions imposed by the court and will call police if their son violates any of those conditions.

Roberta Authier told the court she has acted as a surety for her son in the past, and took responsibility for him being in breach of a curfew condition on one occasion.

She explained her son was out “scrapping,” which involves picking up scrap metal, when the truck he was driving broke down.

She told the court she and her husband had trouble finding his location at the time and, by the time they found him, the police had recently arrived and arrested Authier for breaching his curfew.

Roberta Authier did not have to pay a financial penalty for her son’s breach and acted as his surety after the matter with no other issues, the court heard. She promised the court this situation would not occur again.

Citing the fact Authier’s mother took responsibility for the past breach, Retar told the court “you can trust she will do what she promises to do.”

The Authiers are requesting the court allow their son’s two siblings to also be allowed to act as sureties to help them out.

With the carefully crafted plan, which includes sureties who have made a significant financial commitment, “I just don’t see how Mr. Authier … commits any further criminal offences,” Retar said.

Assistant Crown attorney James Boonstra pointed to Authier’s criminal record, including other current, unrelated matters before the court, as part of his argument against Authier being released.

He raised the issue of the seemingly lack of awareness on the part of both parents regarding their son’s past activities.

Boonstra also questioned how the neighbours are going to feel about Authier being under house arrest at his own residence, which has been the site of a number of incidents that have involved the police.

“It’s my submission he ought not be released,” Boonstra said.

Given the serious nature of the charge against Authier, the assistant Crown said there should be stricter conditions in place, including not allowing the siblings to also act as sureties, if the justice of the peace decides Authier should be released on bail.

from Chatham Daily News
Bail decision expected for man charged with attempted murder Bail decision expected for man charged with attempted murder Reviewed by Unknown on March 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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