Mike Woodcock wants to help you get the best performance for your money.
“I carry a wide range of turntables from as low as $200 all the way up to $15,000 and everything in between. The common denominator is that they are all the best performing turntables for their price,” says the owner and resident expert at Absolute Sound.
After almost 40 years in the business, Woodcock’s approach has remained the same. “I educate my customers. I show them all the benefits and features, explain the do’s and don’ts, and teach them how to take care of it. I provide the expert advice they’re looking for, but I let them make their own purchasing decision.”
Vinyl records have definitely made a comeback about six years ago, Woodcock adds. “Vinyl record collections are being handed down to the next generation and they’re hearing the difference in the sound.
“Most people aren’t aware just how complex a turntable is. You need to remember that it’s a vibration measuring devise and there are ways to optimize the sound quality through proper set-up,” he explains.
The top five things to consider when setting up your turntable are:
Make sure the turntable is level and sits on a flat surface.
Ensure the cartridge is aligned perfectly. This needs to be precise, within one-quarter of a millimetre accuracy.
Confirm that the weight setting (downforce and anti-skate) of your cartridge is correct. There is a bit of centrifugal force to protect against as the record spins.
Remember that all other vibrations and magnetic fields in the room will affect the turntable. Be sure to isolate it away from other sounds and secure it into place. A wall shelf can be a good location.
Never extend the wires past four feet in length.
“That list is just a starting place for ensuring a proper set-up,” says Woodcock. “I welcome people to come into the store with their turntables. I can do a maintenance check for them, set it up properly and teach them what to pay attention to so it will work at its full performance.”
In fact, to celebrate Record Store Day on Saturday, April 13, Absolute Sound welcomes everyone to stop in with their existing turntable for a free set-up. The store is located at 87 Thames Street and will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Check out their website at www.absolutesound.ca
This story was created by Content Works, Postmedia’s commercial content studio, on behalf of Absolute Sound.

Absolute Sound invites people to stop by the store at 87 Thames Street on Record Store Day Saturday, April 13 to get a free set-up for their turntables like this one.
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